The Series 255 Flow Averaging Transmitter
continuously analyzes and reports flow rates in
large ducts or stacks that have non-uniform or
unstable velocity/temperature profiles.
The Kurz single-point flow meters incorporate advanced
microprocessor and electronics technology to provide
accurate and realtime flow measurements, diagnostics, and control in a variety of dry and wet gas environments.
Kurz multipoint insertion flow meters use up to four sensors for measurement redundancy and to ensure accuracy. Its rugged design withstands the high stress and high vibrations found in large industrial ducts and stacks that commonly have wide-ranging velocity and temperature profiles.
Insertion thermal mass flow meters for condensing gas
environment found in digester, landfill, animal feeding operations,
and other biogas applications.
The Series 2440 are rugged and reliable portable thermal
air velocity meters for nearly all flow measurement
applications. The five models range from lab grade
to heavy duty to industrial high heat.